Rapper Zakwe aims to lose 12kg for Celebrity Games soccer match

28 June 2024 - 13:29 By KGOMOTSO MOGANEDI
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Zakwe says he can be a good midfielder.
Zakwe says he can be a good midfielder.
Image: Tladi Kotelo

Hip hop star Zakwe is hard at work in the gym preparing for a soccer match against Maskandi FC.

The Celebrity Games Tournament is to take place on July 21 at Tsakane Stadium, Ekurhuleni, and Maskandi FC will take on Hip Hop FC. Gospel FC face off with Gqom FC.

The Bathi Ngiyachoma hitmaker says he is ready to show his football skills.

“All is working, I eat well, especially midweek, I go to gym 4/5 times a week. I am gearing up for the celebrity games and it’s looking good. I have been chosen to play for Hip Hop before but ended up being coach. This time I will be on the field, I have already lost 6kg. Leading to the game I am sure I will have lost about 12kg, I'm working hard”, he told TshisaLIVE.

The 37-year old rapper encouraged people wanting to lose weight to go to gym. “I'm not sure which position I'll play but I'm a good midfielder. Recently I've noticed how dedicated I am towards gym, whether it's jogging or cycling, and I wasn't aware how quickly I've lost kilos. So I suggest people who want to lose theirs [weight] join me.”

Recently Zakwe shot a video with Big Zulu for their single Ngicela Ukuphumelela.

“The song is emotional, my favourite feature for this year [so far]. I relate a lot to the song, no one doesn’t wish for success and growth. That is what the song is about. It will heal many souls, especially the music video that was released on YouTube and TV.”

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